

The countries that are members of the Madrid Agreement are identified by the letter “I” in the list of countries published on page 11 of FOVEA IP’s price guide.

For each of these countries, FOVEA IP’s pricing includes searching or watching among the international registrations that are pertinent in this country.


A search of watch performed in a European Union member country will always be searched/watched among the EM and the WIPO.

An EU27 search covers:

  • The EM and WIPO registers,
  • The 24 national registers of 24 member countries of the EU, as well as
  • The Benelux register that covers Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg.


An EU37 search or watch covers all countries that are part of EU27 as well as Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, plus 7 smaller countries: Andorra, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco and Saint Marino.

European continent

An “European continent” search or watch covers all 50 registers of the European continent (see page 11 of our price guide) including EM and WIPO.

USA - Registrations in the 50 States

This register covers the trademarks registered in any US state. Though we believe that our database is globally superior to our competitors’, we cannot guarantee it to be exhaustive.

Global coverage

A “global” search or watch covers all 194 registers listed in our price guide plus one register that comprises all marks registered in any US State.